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The Perfect 10-Year Plan

The Perfect 10-Year Plan

Take the time to make your perfect 10-year plan. Limited edition print available from Steve Chapman As I noted in: "Learn the rules like a pro, so you can break them like an artist", one of my favourite wisdom quotes is: “Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery,...

Think Global

Think Global

Where others think local, I look to think global. A term used in attracting investment via national or regional development agencies is "FDI" or Foreign Direct Investment. Also commonly used is "Inward" Investment. A third term I've heard used is "indigenous" with...

Focus on only three things

Focus on only three things

Past and current clients will smile at the title, as I love the "rule of three" and always look to get them to distil their focus down to three things, no matter the size of the company, the complexity of the challenges, opportunities, issues they face. However, what...

Back yourself

Back yourself

The lesson is simple: Back Yourself. When nobody else likes the deal but you. That’s how you win big.Fred Wilson of USV, from his post "Negative Social Proof" Over the years I've reviewed literally thousands of businesses for investment, whether for the active...

6 Components of Wisdom

6 Components of Wisdom

Last year I mused widely in the post: "What is your definition of Wisdom?" Today, more focussed thoughts on the 6 Components of Wisdom, each both thought-provoking and actionable for you in your leadership of self and others. Thank you to my wise friend Bruce Lloyd,...

Small adjustments

Small adjustments

Be aware that you can make regular small adjustments to keep optimising, to look for that "continuous improvement" as athletes do. This picture was taken earlier this week at a favourite "coffee and bacon roll" stop on a bike ride with my regular riding buddy. Yes,...

I’m to blame

I’m to blame

Taking blame and taking responsibility. A foul in an NBA game. Couldn't find any pictures of an NBA player raising their hand to acknowledge a foul though! I played a LOT of Basketball for about six years through university and directly afterwards. When I played, the...

Amplify your strengths

Amplify your strengths

Amplify your strengths: invest the energy to be even more exceptional. I'm on a break out of London for a few days. The change in scenery and, literally, breathing different air, both are making a real different and charging the batteries. Of course, I still commit to...

Thinking fast.. or (very) slow

Thinking fast.. or (very) slow

"Thinking Fast and Slow" is one of the bestselling books on behaviour, capturing the essence of the work that won Daniel Kahneman his Nobel prize for Economics (for more on his work on heuristics and biases, this long read has some depth on it: "You cannot eliminate...

A divine bacon roll

A divine bacon roll

No, not a weighty post on leadership, but today I will continue to share around my lifelong quest for the ultimate bacon roll. A divine bacon roll, from LeSwine I am currently learning about Josh Waitzkin, author of "The Art of Learning", and this quote around one of...

The Divided Brain

The Divided Brain

Image from the trailer from the film of The Divided Brain. This weekend the London area is hot, way too hot to use my brain, so I postponed all Friday work to Monday (when it will be moderately cooler!). For now, sharing with you an RSA Animate video with some core...

The gift in seeing what you don’t see

The gift in seeing what you don’t see

O wad some Power the giftie gie usTo see oursels as ithers see us!from "To a Louse" by Robert Burns The power of seeing ourselves objectively is a topic I return to again and again from multiple angles. Today reflecting on two experiences yesterday and on the gift of...

Your MBTI Career Guide

Your MBTI Career Guide

As with all personality assessments, I take MBTI with a pinch of salt, although the part I do most like as an awareness piece is the spectrum we all fall on from Introvert to Extrovert. If you know your own MBTI, then what do you think of the career guide above? In...