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Tikkun Olam. How do your actions repair the world?

by | Jul 27, 2020 | Beautiful Business, Beautiful Leadership, Open Leadership

Tikkun Olam: Repairing the World
Tikkun Olam

Am musing on this Hebrew term, broadly meaning, dating back to some of the most ancient Jewish teachings, any activity that improves the world, bringing it closer to the harmonious state for which it was created.

Specifically, I am musing about the responsibility of each of us, in every action to consider how that activity repairs or improves the world, from the slightest interaction impacting another, to the way we spend money and do business at all levels of scale.

So, in such teachings, while the world is innately good, its creator purposely left room for humanity and each individual human to improve upon their work. Within this, students are taught that all human activities are opportunities to fulfil this mission and that every aspect of a person’s life, even the most seemingly mundane, has purpose and provides an opportunity for tikkun olam.

Ancient teachings of any school, philosophy, religion have similarly grounded principles. Incurable optimist that I am, I do believe what we humans are here to repair the world, to live the principles of Tikkun Olam.

For me, so much of my life and work in the past and present (and into the future) is around business. I truly believe business can be a force for good. If you align with this and would like to explore, contact me, let’s talk about it.