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Leadership – The impact of beautiful art

Leadership – The impact of beautiful art

"We’re all lonely for something we don’t know we’re lonely for." ~ David Foster Wallace Early morning, awake and reading a lovely book by Matt Haig called "The Humans". As I read, I am stopped and mesmerised by this beautiful quote in the book from David Foster...

Brevity is the soul of wit

Brevity is the soul of wit

Yesterday's post, "Beauty in Brevity" mused eclectically on the power of art and prose to communicate to us powerfully and rapidly through being concise. Today, I turn that focus to messaging in business and leadership. In many situations, the shorter and simpler the...

Amor Fati and “I did it My Way”

Amor Fati and “I did it My Way”

I write often about presence, about flow, about stretching out of our comfort zone. I fully embrace that I am a romanticist, an idealist, I look for the best in people and situations, I see people deeply, their ability and opportunity to live their life to their full...

Wisdom and Kindness

Wisdom and Kindness

Some of us always like to take time to make reasoned, rational, analytical assessments before reaching a decision. Other typically make decisions very quickly and are thought to be highly intuitive. For those who make quick decisions, how do we know if those decisions...

The unexamined life is not worth living

The unexamined life is not worth living

Or is it? I believe in balance and rarely in set answers, in yes or no, either/or, binary choice etc. Being human is complex. We are rational and yet also driven by emotion, by what we sense, what we feel. So, absolutely let us look at what Socrates meant and then...

There are no limits, there are only plateaus

There are no limits, there are only plateaus

“If you always put limits on everything you do, physical or anything else, it will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them.” ~Bruce Lee I've written again and again...

Leadership Superpower – Belief

Leadership Superpower – Belief

A while ago I wrote about one Leadership Superpower, Encouragement. Today I focus on another, Belief, inspired by the brilliant Georgie Loxton (if you want to truly look at what wealth means at all levels for yourself, she is who I refer people to, always). Georgie...

Diversity of Thought – Challenge Yourself!

Diversity of Thought – Challenge Yourself!

A great quote to begin with ! I am passionate about Diversity of Thought, I am super curious and love to learn from many different quarters and channels (hence my article yesterday: "Synthesising ideas – who inspires you?", listing some writers who inspire me, a group...

Synthesising ideas – who inspires you?

Synthesising ideas – who inspires you?

One definition of Synthesising is: "combining different aspects of your ideas and research and the ideas of others in order to produce new ideas" Many synthesised ideas are captured in my writing on this site, which is driven by a purpose best stated as : “Our highest...

Trust Trumps Ratings, Every Time

Trust Trumps Ratings, Every Time

Peter Drucker famously said : "Culture eats strategy for breakfast", though I prefer the way Nilofer Merchant put it in this HBR article a few years ago: "Culture Trumps Strategy, Every Time" A core element of Culture is Trust, how we behave around each other, how far...

Do you have a Growth Mindset?

Do you have a Growth Mindset?

Regular readers know that each Saturday I write a "Writing I Love" article, and last week I wrote about Mindset by Carol Dweck. I'd also reference the language and ask you to take a look at it and consider in the context of yesterday's post: "Language shapes the way...

Language shapes the way you think

Language shapes the way you think

I missed you! Why not? Don't do that! Have a safe flight! (and thanks to a dear friend and colleague for reminding me of this road sign in Cayman!) Four very commonly used phrases that you often use unconsciously. Four phrases that, variously, implant negatives when...

Will you always do what is true to you?

Will you always do what is true to you?

First to anchor this beyond yourself, if you lead a business, organisation, movement, know that I see you. Know I see that sometimes you doubt yourself, you don't fully act, say, do what is your absolute truth. I know that. I do it too, we are all human. What are your...