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Doing what is right – Pret

by | Apr 20, 2019 | Beautiful Leadership, Open Leadership


Ken Blanchard has a quote: “catch someone doing something right”.

I believe in business as a force for good, and in the righteous flywheel of purpose-lead businesses following the new triple bottom line and so creating profit for impact.

I’ve started writing posts about businesses I see “doing what is right”, most recently Timpson and Stantec.

Today I highlight Pret a Manger. Given the prevalence of their stores in London, I’ve been a frequent customer, yet I was not aware until recently of their focus on doing what is right.

Until, that is, I saw their focus on supporting homeless people.

Pret House

Recently I notice press coverage of this: Pret is opening a House for the Homeless

The article notes that they are opening “Pret House” in London to provide accommodation for some of their Rising Stars.

So what are Rising Stars?

Rising Stars

So, over ten years ago Pret launched their Rising Stars Programme. In their words:

Launched in 2008, the programme takes on over 40 Rising Stars each year. We’ll find them a shop suited to them; nothing too far away, with an understanding team and a supportive manager. Food, travel, accommodation – all the little things are taken care of. For the next three months all they have to do is focus on the job and their future.

Around 75% of candidates graduate after three months and almost half stay with Pret for more than a year. Over the last decade, over 450 Stars have been through the programme. But each year, some stars don’t graduate and the biggest reason why that happens is a lack of accommodation nearby. To help address this we’ve opened The Pret House at WLM St Luke’s which is a house for the homeless.

Doing the Right Thing

As I looked further into the Pret site, I noticed they actually have a page called “DOING THE RIGHT THING” with the strapline “it’s what makes Pret, Pret”.

Do take a look at this to learn more about the ways in which Pret does the right thing.

Purpose-led businesses attract customers

TM Profit for Impact Graphic v3_B

So this is my “Profit for Impact” righteous flywheel drawing incorporating the new triple bottom line.

As I noted in looking at Timpson and there focus on employing ex-offenders, James Timpson says: “far more people come to our shops because of what we do and see it as a really positive thing”.

Now I know how purpose-led Pret are about “doing the right thing”, I will consciously bypass other similar stores and support Pret.

Profit for Impact.


How does your business lead from the new triple bottom line?