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Just ride

by | Jun 21, 2023 | Open Leadership

ride as much eddie merckx

Yesterday was a personal blog, “Go Easy“, where I noted a feeling of anxiety and low-grade depression as I await the 1st-anniversary colonoscopy after my colon cancer last year. After writing that early in the day, I knew I had a bunch of things to do, from cleaning and tidying the house, as well as (naturally) some client video calls. However, I knew that, from 5pm onwards, I would be free for the summer evening. Knowing that riding my bike is always magical in multiple ways, I decided then, in the morning, that I would go for a ride around 5pm.

As I was in August 2022 when I got back on the bike after chemo, I was inspired by the thoughts of the great Eddy Merckx, to “ride as long or as short as you feel, but ride“.

Simply knowing I would go for a ride later in the day lifted my mood for the day and allowed me to focus. Thank you, Eddy!

In the depth of winter, I walk, as in the latin “Solvitur Ambulando” or “it is solved by walking“, whilst in the summer, “it is solved by riding”.