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I love business

by | Jan 28, 2022 | Open Leadership

I love business

In the first few weeks of this year, I have been introduced to numerous business leaders of various sizes of business from different industries, sectors, countries.

I love every conversation and this has also been a reminder of a simple truth.

I love business.

As young as my early teens I knew that I wanted my working life to be focussed around the building and leading of businesses, so I tailored my educational choices towards that from an early stage, then qualifying as a Chartered Accountant at the age of 23 and heading off to Cayman very shortly after that to learn and grow further in my career and life. Some twenty years later, I had already had an amazing career full of wonderful opportunities to grow and learn through starting, buying, building and selling businesses internationally. I then changed gears over a decade ago to supporting others build, grow and sell their businesses, as well as the essential focus on elevating their leadership.

I truly love business and also, critically, believe in business as a force for good. This can be as simple as the obvious, that a thriving business creates employment for people and so financial stability and security. It is also about the difference a company can make for society, whether it be small or large, subtle or obvious.

One thing though. I love all businesses, but I am also very selective about those I choose to work with. I want to work with leaders who are ready to make a “Massive Impact“. Two notes to that. One, this means different things to different leaders, and two, it may be “massive” if it feels at least a little bit scary. (Please, if you are intrigued by the idea of Massive Impact, please follow those three links, each is to a recent blog on the related topic).

One recent example of a conversation that has reminded me of a) how much I love business, and b) the specific type of businesses I love to work with came in a conversation in the last week or two, where I was approached to consider being the independent Chair for the Board of a professional services partnership, a firm that is indeed thriving and growing in different ways. When asked “would you be interested in this role?”, I said, “yes, this is right up my street, but may I first ask you some questions about where you are now and where your vision sees you going?”

You see, a firm could want a Chair to provide stability around the status quo, or they could want one who could be the right person to support the leadership in developing clarity around their Vision, in keeping them focussed on alignment amongst the partners, then also in helping them keep their eye on the prize when the “day to day” of the business may tend to draw them back down into the detail. In other words, to set the direction and stay the course towards that slightly scary vision that feels like a Massive Impact for them.

I may or may not be the right person for that firm, we shall see once they talk to other candidates. I thank them though, in any case, as a) I loved learning about them and the conversation and b) it was another reminder that yes, I love business!