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Spring and snowdrops

by | Feb 19, 2021 | Open Leadership

Spring and snowdrops

Yesterday I went on a wonderful walk with my friend Justine Clement, founder of “Forest Bathing – Made in Britain” a hugely valuable break and shift during my week. I took the picture above in an ancient woodland, Notice the many thousands of snowdrops and other similar plants that have suddenly sprung up in the three days since the snow and ice thawed.

Yesterday I also wrote “Growing one day at a time“, commenting “We can grow one day at a time and it can be in small increments, repeated and built upon over time.”

As time moves forwards, one day at a time, cycles repeat themselves, nature being a core part of this. Every year the snowdrops pop up out of the ground before spring arrives, in fact in the depth of winter. They do, however, mark the passage of time and the coming of spring.

Spring is coming.