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Growing one day at a time

by | Feb 18, 2021 | Open Leadership

Growing one day at a time
How many differences can you see?

Take a look at these two weather screens for consecutive days. This isn’t really a “spot the difference” quiz, but take a look at the smallest text there and note the difference in the sunrise and sunset times. In just one day the sunrise is two minutes earlier and the sunset two minutes later.

That may not seem very much, but that means that, over the half year from the shortest to the longest day, daylight hours increase by a massive 12 hours, from under 7 hours at the winter solstice to 19 hours at the summer solstice.

With the UK in lockdown and a “groundhog day” feel to much of life, I am paying attention to the little things, including the way that tiny changes, over time, can make a big difference.

For those focussing lent, one exercise I learned from someone this year was to, rather than cut things out (of diet etc), instead to “add something”. Imagine on the first day of lent you committed to just 2 minutes of exercise to your routine. Do-able, right? You then commit to add 2 minutes each day over the forty days of lent. By the end of lent you would be working out 80 minutes per day.

The same can apply to building the foundations for a strong business. Sometimes growth happens slowly and in the small print, like the sunset and sunrise times shown on the weather images. Small and slow can be powerful too, though 😉

We can grow one day at a time and it can be in small increments, repeated and built upon over time.