For when you may feel ready to change your perspective, today I share with you a piece of beautiful and soothing wisdom from the wonderful Alan Watts.
As I have been writing about and also advising others to do, at this time many of us remain focussed on the present and moving forwards with what’s next, keeping a narrow focus on the near term future. I’m also advising to “put the oxygen mask on” ourselves so we can then look after others, find your moments of zen, and give yourself permission to pause.
Now, as we pause, we can predict that, at some time soon, we can start to look to the future, to ask ourselves “what good may come from this?”.
In over sixty zoom meetings in the last ten days or so, however, I observe people at different places of readiness to look ahead. Know yourself and know when you are ready to move forward.
For now, do pause and embrace a few minutes to listen and take in a gentle and profound piece of wisdom with an accompanying short video of one of the most beautiful voices I’ve ever heard, Alan Watts.
“You never know what will be the consequence of the misfortune; or, you never know what will be the consequences of good fortune.”
Alan Watts
Some things we currently look at as negative, maybe not in the future through a different lens, taking a different perspective?
Oh, and if you enjoyed that, visit this post: “Writing I love – Alan Watts and the meaning of life” for my absolute favourite Alan Watts talk and accompanying video. Be well.