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Cyndi Lauper and Meraki

by | Dec 16, 2023 | Open Leadership

“to do something with soul, creativity, or love;

when you leave a piece of yourself in the work.”

This is an English expression of the Greek word Meraki. I wrote some time ago about the great Meraklis, the incomparable “Voix du siècle”, Maria Callas, including a video of one of her performances of Casta Diva, which always gives me goosebumps.

A few evenings ago I was waiting on a train on a lovely early winter evening and, choosing songs to play while I waited, decided on something uplifting and joyous, so went back to a favourite, a live performance of Cyndi Lauper with Shaggy of “All Through the Night”.

The combination of these two brings so much joy and love to the performance, words fail me. Listening to it was not enough, though, so I then went to this YouTube video on my phone as I stepped onto the train. I was not surprised when tears came to my eyes as the song built and they both bounced along the front of the stage towards each other then hugged and danced as they reached the crescendo.

It is so wonderful to see when someone does something with love, with soul, and giving a piece of themselves.

Where could we all live our life and work with ever more Meraki?