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Introversion and making myself go to events

by | Nov 29, 2023 | Open Leadership, Response-ability, Self-Knowledge

busy events

I’m always inspired by people and ideas, so I love to meet new people. Serendipitous and unexpected meetings quite often happen at events, where I’ll meet one or two interesting people, and then arrange to meet up later to listen and learn more about them, their ideas, what’s on their mind, and what’s next for them.

The thing is, I’m pretty introverted, so going to busy events (including the trip out, busy stations, trains, tubes etc) is something I have to push myself to do, as is talking to people when I get to an event.

That feeling of “I’ll just skip going to the event” is increased when the weather is cold and, yes, when there is all the craziness of the Christmas season taking over.

That said, my instinct for this December in London is to push myself to get out there, particularly as I’ve been travelling so much this year that I’ve simply not been to many events or met as many new people as usual.

Oh, and I’ll have my new hearing aids, which should make it a lot easier to both tolerate the noise and to actually hear what people are saying!

So, my “why” to go will be stronger than my “why not” to stay home, so you may even see me out and about in the coming weeks!

PS I’m taking three weeks “off-off” in January. Bliss!