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Technology ten times more valuable than gold

by | Nov 19, 2023 | Open Leadership, Self-Knowledge

Gold, the original “precious” metal is priced at around £50 per gramme, so 2g of Gold would cost you c£100. The picture above is of a tiny device weighing only 2.1g and costing more than ten times the price of gold per gramme. I just bought two of these, paying not only that high price “per gramme” for the hardware but about as much again to have experts fit and tune them to my needs. Yes, I just got hearing aids and paid a mighty sum for them.

Those who know me may not have any (or at most, only. a little) idea that I have mild hearing loss in one ear and moderate in the other (fly several hundred thousand miles per year for a long time and you too may be at risk of hearing loss!). I’ve been managing well enough, but I have reached the stage where I avoid noisy bars and restaurants almost entirely, and when I do go to noisy places, I have to strain to hear people. So, in the interests of having more relaxation and clarity in listening in noisy places, and after over five years of annual checkups with my audiologist, I invested in a pair of top-of-the-line hearing aids.

A few days into owning them, yesterday I took my youngest son out for lunch. Halfway through the lunch, I realised that I was sitting back and quite relaxed as I listened to his tales of university life, I was not leaning forward and, with some tension in my body, straining to listen. I could hear every word he said, not once did I need to ask him to “say again”.

A relaxing conversation was therefore truly a relaxed conversation. Priceless.