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Speak it into reality

by | Sep 11, 2023 | Open Leadership

Speak it into reality

A friend has a passion project they are greatly focussed on. They have done much work on it to get ready to go, they now need the funds to turn it into reality. When they showed me the project, I then asked them how much funding they would need to make it happen. $10m was the answer.

My next question was “What are you doing to speak this into reality?” in terms of raising those funds. Their answer indicated that they could talk about it more.

Talk x Work – Luck Surface Area

This simple formula speaks to what it takes to create “luck” (I don’t really believe in “luck”, I prefer to talk about “creating space for serendipity“).

You must both do the work and talk about it.

Which could you do more of in order to create a larger “surface area for luck” for yourself and what you are focussed on achieving?