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How much information? Enough.

by | Aug 2, 2023 | Open Leadership

Enough - ism

I’ve written about “Enough-ism” before in the context of having enough on a personal level, though even in that post I then veered into thoughts on leadership and communications.

Today though, I’m thinking about “enough” in the context of being an expert brought in to help an organisation lead change in a complex environment.

With that context, there is so, so much that one can study and learn about change, including many varied (and often overlapping) philosophies, methodologies etc.

In my experience though, only a tiny fraction of that knowledge needs to be shared with the client team when supporting them. As the expert they have brought in you will have brought a lot of your expertise and experience to bear as you listen to understand their needs, issues, and environment.

You do NOT, though, need to tell them all about it, only share “enough structure to allow flow” (to use a favourite phrase) in catalysing and supporting them in the change process.

They trust you to be the expert, so BE the expert, don’t waste their time TELLING them you re the expert!

Enough information, no more, no less. Enough.