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Why I’m currently not accepting new clients

by | Jan 20, 2023 | Open Leadership, Response-ability, Self-Knowledge

As of today, I am (for now) “closing the books” to new clients, having taken on some new ones in the last couple of months.

I absolutely could take on more, but I consciously choose to be “always active, never busy“. This phrase itself came from a growing focus on “being intentional with time“, with a core part of that intentionality being around being the best I can be, always, for the clients that I do choose to work with.

As the average client stays with me for over two years, that does therefore still mean space for a few clients to come on board each year, just not right now.

The doors will re-open but are currently closed, so do feel free to talk to me if the timing may be right for you to work with me later this year.

In the meantime, part of being intentional with time is always having space to talk to people with a wide variety of contexts, I simply love people, ideas and connecting the dots! As an example, I am very much looking forward to visiting Cayman for the week of February 6th. Yes, I shall be meeting and working with clients while there, and at the same time, I will intentionally fill my week with a number of get-togethers from breakfast until evening each day.

I hope this post gives you pause to consider how busy you are and, at a deeper level, how intentional you are with your own time.