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Reminding myself to keep life in balance

by | Jan 16, 2023 | Open Leadership, Self-Knowledge

travel balance

Yesterday I flew up to Scotland for the first of four trips over the next five weeks, trips that will see me away from home for five consecutive Sundays. Yes, two of those trips are vacations (and one by train to Paris, not flying), and the other trips are for business but also will allow me to see friends and family in Edinburgh and then Cayman.

That said, the idea of being away from home for five consecutive Sundays does give me a bit of a shudder and take me back to 2015, where, at the end of that year, I used an app to create a summary of all my flying in a year where I really did have a life out of balance. In a post called, yes, “Learning Balance” I wrote about those 2015 flight stats:

Over the course of about 330 days that year, I flew 115 times, covering 159,045 miles, crossed the Atlantic 20 times, spent over 16 days cumulatively in the air, and, perhaps the most telling, going through Miami airport a massive 90 times. In fact, on multiple occasions, I flew back from a long trip late in the evening only to turn around the next afternoon and fly back out again. Though I was absolutely loving my work, to say my life was out of balance at that stage would be to understate things.

I have life nicely in balance now, so I will not make a habit of travelling so often for the rest of this year.

I recommend you also occasionally check in on your own balance and choices around that.