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Today I am feeling – blessed and privileged

by | Dec 17, 2022 | Open Leadership

blessed and privileged

Over the last week, I had a series of amazing meetings:

  • Some were in person, some on video (I love how video allows me to work all over the world, often on the same day!)
  • Some were regular meetings with existing clients, my work being as a sounding board and coach to leaders
  • Some were pro bono mentoring (I love to mentor)
  • One was the first meeting with a potential new client through a wonderful introduction from someone who knew we would be a good match
  • One was a reconnection nearly six years after our first meeting, with that person feeling the time is right to start working together

My last meeting of the week was that first meeting with a potential new client. It was in person and, as I walked away from the meeting, I felt I was bouncing down the street, I was that energised! You see, my Intent, my Purpose, is #MakingPotentialPossible, and the close colleague who made the introduction felt that it was the right time for me to meet this leader. Wow, indeed so, they are absolutely ready to elevate to new heights and it felt so aligned with me and the work I love to do!

In short, I closed out my working week with a powerful feeling of being blessed and privileged to do what I do.

2022 has had some definite tough moments (my health journey from March through July being top of that list!), yet, as I come towards the end of 2022, I am so energised and ready for what 2023 may bring!

They say that the two most important days of our lives are first, the day we are born, then second, the day we work out why we are here. In other words, to find our purpose.

I would add to that one thing. If we are brave enough to follow our purpose, we have the choice to consciously create our life and our work around that. I am someone who has done that over a number of years, so it is no accident that I find myself reflecting joyously on my working week last week, it is the result of conscious choices and actions.

My advice to you? Find your own “why”, your Purpose, then look at what you can consciously choose to do (and to let go of) so that you can live and work in ways that align to that Purpose.