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Today I’m taking a Snow Day

by | Dec 12, 2022 | Open Leadership, Response-ability

Snow Day

This is the view from my desk this morning. As you can see, it snowed around here yesterday.

I had a slightly nervous and abbreviated night’s sleep, concerned about getting from the hills outside my house to the main road and then around the motorway/freeway to the airport to drop off one of my sons for a flight to Cayman for the holiday period. As it turns out, all went well, but I was up at 5 am and won’t finish with work events and meetings until around 7 pm today.

However, a business friend emailed this morning to postpone by a week or so a long-awaited end-of-year lunch in central London today (you know, snow etc). I had mixed feelings as a) I was really looking forward to the lunch, but b) that now means I have several hours free in the middle of the day today. Nice!

I could now sit at my desk and work, or I could put on my winter gear, and go feel the crunch of new snow underfoot and marvel at mother nature.

In North America they have this term of a “snow day”, where when snow hits, schools close and kids get a day off.  I think I may well take a (half) snow day 🙂