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Sharing what I have learned – looking ahead to 2023

by | Dec 12, 2022 | Open Leadership

pass on what you have learned in 2023

I was reminded this week in a group learning session that I love to share what I have learned with others. This is absolutely at the core of who I am, as well as a reason why I write this daily blog, to share learnings.

Starting in 2023, and linked to this, I’d love your help to give me more spaces and opportunities to share learnings.

  • First, I will focus once more on meeting new people  1:1 (as I also love meeting and listening to interesting people doing interesting things). This can be in person in London for coffee or lunch, or online to anywhere. If for yourself, you can book a video call with me at anytime via the link on my site.
  • Second, and linked to the first, I will be making regular visits to Scotland (for the first time since the pandemic began) m the first once being in mid-January, then every four to six weeks after that. If you are in the central belt and would love to meet up,geez a bell !
  • Third, I’d love to take more time meeting with groups of business owners and leaders looking ahead to how they can thrive through the upcoming recession. I feel I have a lot I can share at both a macro and micro level to support businesses and their leaders. One idea that is already in play is speaking at “focus dinners” and other smaller events with such leaders.

Always pass on what you have learned

I leave you with the thoughts from a blog from earlier this year on sharing learnings:

“Always pass on what you have learned”

Moments before he dies in Return of the Jedi, Yoda says these words to his apprentice, Luke Skywalker.

“the whole purpose of life has been to pass on what was learned. There is no higher purpose”

Morgan Freeman’s character explaining what to do to Lucy in the movie of that name (see my post on this)

Be More You

The greatest single teaching from my own Yoda, Ed Percival, my greatest mentor in life.

I am often asked how I write a post every day. One answer is in a phrase I share often: “when you are clear on your WHY, the HOW is easy”. I write to share learnings, and to pass on what I have learned.

One more thought. If we choose to be BraveHungryOpen and Humble (the four traits of Open Leadership), we will always be curious to learn more. At the age of 57, I have a lot of knowledge to share, and at the same time, I am always hungry and insatiably curious to learn more. It is also a privilege to be in a position to both learn more every day and to share, to pass on what we have learned.

What can you learn today? What can you pass on to others?