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We inhabit time as fish live in water

by | Oct 13, 2022 | Open Leadership

Today sharing one of the most magnificent openings to a book I have ever read, the first passage from “The Order of Time” by Carlo Rovelli:

I stop and do nothing. Nothing Happens. I am thinking about nothing. I listen to the passing of time.

This is time, familiar and intimate. We are taken by it. The rush of seconds, hours, years that hurls us toward life then drags us toward nothingness…. We inhabit time as fish live in water. Our being is being in time. Its solemn music nurtures us, opens the world to us, trou­bles us, frightens and lulls us. The universe unfolds into the future, dragged by time, and exists according to the order of time.

The author later quotes Aristotle:

Wonder is the source of our desire for knowledge

A post I wrote in 2017 recalled a story about a seemingly sceptical business leader who shared with a group that their heart was, in fact, full of wonder, and that was at their centre as a human being.

I love connecting to and with people and ideas, and my favourite people are, yes, full of wonder as we, together, inhabit time as fish live in water.

I leave you with the words of Alan Watts, another philosopher I love (see here for a favourite Alan Watts video)

Alan Watts Quote