This week I updated the wording on the home page of my site, with a focus on supporting leaders seeking to make a “Massive Impact”.
I took this photo on a walk in the middle of the day yesterday. I find the perspective fascinating. In the foreground is the long shadow of my frame next to a post, then in the middle ground the top of the ridge on the North Downs looks like it goes on forever (though it is only about a ten minute walk from the edge of the town). Beyond that, thought, you must look closely to the top right if you wish to see The Shard and the City of London. Though only around 20km (13 miles) away, they look in the photo as short as tiny blades of glass, even the building to the left of that group, The Shard, which is over 1000 feet (or 310m) tall and the tallest building in the U.K.
Why consider these perspectives today? Well, this week I updated the wording on the home page of my site, with a focus on supporting leaders seeking to make a “Massive Impact“, with my support coming from “Actionable Insight” and “Elevating Leadership”.
The use of the word “Massive” is conscious. As I wrote about yesterday, I want to work with people who intend to make an impact that feels a little bit scary.
To me, “Massive Impact” is all about one’s individual perspectiveand how that feels.
As I look back on my life, several key people have made a massive impact on me and my life, so in that context any person can make a massive impact for a single other person. That is a hugely valuable level of “massive impact”. As I reflect on my work with leaders, I’ve been told by clients that I have made a massive difference for them as people, and, through that, they have felt empowered and enabled to make their own impact for others, including through their business. Sometimes that “massive impact” was as simple as a shift in their beliefs, leading to a shift in confidence and then behaviours and actions, but it felt massive, it felt brave.
At the other end of the spectrum you may be a leaders who has in your gift leadership of a business or organisation with scale and resources to impact many thousands of people’s lives through your insights, decisions and actions. That is indeed massive in terms of scale, yet in my definition your leadership decisions and actions are only “massive” if you are doing new and different things that feel brave and at least a little bit scary at the same time.
To me then, if you are seeking to make a “massive impact”, the size of the impact matters less than how it will feel to lead yourself and others through it.
That’s where I come in for my clients. I want to work with those leaders and to be there to support them through the process so that Massive Impact is the outcome of our work together.
Those are today’s musings from me, I’d love to hear what “Massive Impact” means for you.