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The cave you fear to enter holds the treasures you seek

by | Dec 21, 2021 | Open Leadership

This is the time of year when many of us take time to relax, and with that, watch movies classic and new. Many of the greatest movies of the last few decades owe much to Joseph Campbell and the hero’s journey, as I wrote about in: “The Hero’s Journey – be your own hero” back on the last day of 2017, including within that post a clip explaining how Joseph Campbell was pivotal to George Lucas and how he wrote Star Wars.

Beyond movies, though, we each will have opportunities to go on our own Hero’s Journey (as depicted below), whether that be personally, for ourselves as a leader, for our business. Taking the example of business leadership, you will know and feel when you have the “call to adventure“, then the opportunity in front of you is to cross the threshold between the Known and the Unknown, then take the journey of “challenges and temptations“.

To this, I add two thoughts. First, “I don’t see challenges, I see opportunities“. Second, to go forth on the journey you will need both helpers and mentors to help you to and through the point of Revelation and to Transformation, oh, and to make the “Abyss” something you can cross as easily as possible!

My purpose is #MakingPotentialPossible, and I am here to be your helper, your mentor when you are ready (and let us recognise that the timing must be right to be ready) for your own journey. As the opening wording on my homepage says: “Elite Mindset: Are you ready to stretch beyond your comfort zone in the quest to be an elite performer? You understand that elite is a mindset, a journey, and one you are hungry to take.”

As you watch Star Wars, Dune, The Matrix or any other epic journey, perhaps consider if you are ready for your own “What’s Next?” journey. If you are ready, talk to me.

The Hero’s Journey by Joseph Campbell