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How can I help you?

by | Oct 27, 2021 | Open Leadership

My commission from Hugh Mcleod that he took from my intent statement of #MakingPotentialPossible

Today I woke up thinking about helping people.

Just before going to bed last night I’d been on a call with a close family member overseas to listen to them talk through an important presentation they are going to give to a large audience, aimed at encouraging and inspiring others by telling the story of their journey. In under half an hour they gave me a run-through of the presentation, then answered some questions I had, such as their “why” for doing it and their core message (“what is the single most important thing you want your audience to take from this?”). From that, I then gave them some structuring thoughts to consider in order to potentially polish their already great talk. Today they will send me the latest script for any final thoughts, then tomorrow they will deliver it.

After that call I was SO energised I knew I’d have to sit up quite late to simply decompress and slow down ready for sleep. Why? I love to help people, it is my Purpose, my Intent in life, as expressed by my Intent statement of #MakingPotentialPossible that the artist Hugh McLeod so beautifully expressed in the commission above that he did for me years ago.

To be a little more focussed, whilst I am certainly always there to actively help people with tasks and more, where I have learned to focus myself is in ways similar to the story above, where I can listen deeply, reflect supportively, to then create space for others to see further and higher potential for what they are already doing.

Going back to a broader sense of help, I go into every new conversation thinking “how can I help you?” and often expressing that thought once the conversation reaches the right point of open and warm connection. Sometimes that is to connect someone to an idea, sometimes to connect them to someone else, sometimes to do something for them, other times to simply help them reflect on whatever it is that is top of mind.

Later today I am going for a long walk with a past client. I haven’t seen them for a few months and really looking forward to the walk with them. I have no idea what will be on their mind, whether they simply want a walking companion, to dive deep into a business issue, or somewhere in between. Whatever it is, in addition to a walk in the fresh air, I know my mind will be on “how can I help you?”, and as they know me well, they will know that too.

Thank you for reading my musing, and know that, where given the opportunity to help, that means a lot to me, it is why I am here.