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The most stable stool has three legs

by | Oct 6, 2021 | Open Leadership

The most stable seating of any kind has exactly three legs, a three legged stool. It matters not if there are fractional differences in the length of each leg, the stool will always rest as a highly stable platform.

So, for whatever platform you are focussed on for your leadership, your business, it is useful to have three focal areas to give this stability.

An example, then.

This week I was talking to someone about Functionality, a process through which you can build a strong foundation to any business.

A key part of the Functionality process is running a context of Responsibility, where everyone is clear on the responsibility and roles for themselves and others in the business.

Now, taking the three legged stool concept, in considering who is best suited for each responsibility and role, I like to use three focal areas:

  • Capability – what are their skills, abilities, experience
  • Capacity – how much capacity do they have to take on this role or responsibility? (eg time, resources, funding etc)
  • Energy – are they energised by the role or responsibility?

In choosing people for a task, the most common factor considering is Capability, followed by Capacity. I have found, though, that with only considering these two “legs” of the stool, this can create an unstable platform for success, as if a person is not energised by a role or responsibility they will become de-energised over time by it.

Consider the three legs, the three focal points you can choose to create a platform that is stable and gives you the best chance of success in any project, strategy or making any decision.