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Blind spots and telling the time

by | Aug 1, 2021 | Open Leadership, Self-Knowledge

Blind spots and telling the time

What time do you see on that clock? Take your time, then say it out loud.

What time did you say?

If you are from the USA, Cayman (and the English-speaking Caribbean), more often than not you will have said “3 pm”.

However, anyone from non-US-centric countries, will be shaking their heads and saying, “no, it is clearly 3 am, how could they say 3 pm?”

Well, it is a blind spot, as while the vast majority of countries in the world use the 24-hour clock, the USA simply doesn’t, it always uses the 12-hour clock.

What makes me write about this today? Well, last week, as has happens more times than I can count, someone booked a meeting with me at the booking link on my site, yet got the time wrong by 12 hours, booking for 3 am their time (ie 03:00) instead of what they meant to do, book for 3 pm (ie 15:00).

When I set up that booking link, knowing that I talk to people from all over the world, I set the format for the time as the 24-hour clock. However, very often when someone from Cayman, USA etc have booked meetings with me, they have got the time wrong. Occasionally some have got defensive and told me “your booking system has an issue”, but almost all realise quickly they had a blind spot on something as simple as literally reading the time.

Anyway, perhaps I am stubborn at having left it this way for so long, but now I have changed the format so when you go to book you will see it in the 12-hour format, as I recognise that everyone can read that.

Enjoy the rest of your Sunday 🙂