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Wilma Rudolph. Leadership, Authority and Influence

by | Jul 11, 2021 | Open Leadership

Never underestimate the power of dreams and the influence of the human spirit. We are all the same in this notion: the potential for greatness lives within each of us. - Wilma Rudolph

One of my frequently used phrases is: A leader is someone others choose to follow

So, for you to muse on, to what extent do people follow you because you have Authority, as opposed to following you because of your Influence on them, the way you show up, the way you communicate, the clarity and passion behind the vision you hold for the business or organisation.

In seeking an image and story to go with today’s idea, almost every quote around this topic came from a man. Interesting. Choosing to seek alternative role models and stories, I have chosen an amazing woman of huge leadership influence. A huge part of Leading from Influence is in who you are being, how you show up. I choose, therefore, to use the example of Wilma Rudolph. Winning three gold medals in the Olympics in 1960, then continuing to shine in sports and as a civil rights leader, Wilma Rudolph had a massive influence on generations of women, and particularly women of colour in the USA.

Her legend is powerful, her legacy can be seen so strongly and even today, yet she had no authority to command or compel others, she simply influenced them.

In my experience, the greatest leaders both lead from Influence far more than Authority and are highly self-aware when they are coming from each place and to what extent.

I’d love to hear your reflections on both your own leadership and thoughts others may benefit from. As always, if you’d love to talk through this and are ready to talk it through for yourself, you can set up a call with me anytime here.