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The goal of sharing ideas

by | Jul 1, 2021 | Open Leadership

The “Insights” page that hosts all my daily posts begins:

People are my library, my daily writing practice inspired by what I learn: ideas, inspiration, wisdom, and sometimes some eclectic whimsy for good measure, all centred around #OpenLeadership

I write to learn and to share what I learn. As I noted in an earlier post:

“the whole purpose of life has been to pass on what was learned. There is no higher purpose”

the words of Morgan Freeman’s character explaining to Lucy what to do with her gifts, from the movie “Lucy”

Today sharing a quote from Professor Adam Grant in his most recent “Granted” newsletter:

The goal of sharing ideas isn’t for all to agree with you. It’s for some to learn from you—and for you to learn from them.

Adam Grant

Oh, and linking to my blog around Bill Hicks earlier this week, Adam’s next line was:

Popularity is how many likes you collect. Impact is how many lives you enrich.

Adam Grant

This thought is one of the reasons why I choose not to restrict my thoughts to a subscriber-only newsletter, something I feel many do to build their own “assets” so they can then monetise them later. I do understand that motivation, yet for me, that doesn’t feel right, my choice is simply to share. From that, you can choose to read my daily posts in twice-weekly email digest form by subscribing on my site, but you can also read them at any point at the Insights page or on my Medium page, plus they are always posted each day via links on both Twitter and LinkedIn.