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Fulfillment vs Engagement

by | Feb 26, 2021 | Open Leadership

Fulfillment vs Engagement

A phrase I use often is “We are Human Beings, not Human Doings”.

This week I was on a webinar by Imperative to learn more about their peer coaching software as a service, whilst also learning about the story of Griffith Foods and their focus on their own triple bottom line (link on this page). On the webinar I heard someone use that phrase in the context that “Engagement is about Doing, Fulfillment is about Being. We are Human Beings, not Human Doings”. This was beautifully illustrated by the word cloud above. For more, read “The New Competitive Advantage: Employee Fulfillment” and I see a hugely powerful virtuous circle around a company (like Griffith Foods) driven by Purpose, then investing in their people to find their own fulfillment (with Peer coaching helping them to and through this). Fulfilled people working aligned to their purpose within a company that is focussed on their own purpose. Powerful stuff.

Oh, and I also heard Griffith Foods talk about their modified “triple bottom line” of People+Planet+Impact. Regular readers know my core “Scale for Impact” model is my own iteration around the triple bottom line, of Purpose+People+Planet, maintaining focus on Profit as both “Outcome” to the “Source” Drivers of Purpose+People+Planet and as the way businesses can scale their impact through making Profit to then scale to do more, be more.

As to the Imperative Peer coaching platform, I’m just now exploring it, as I’m powerfully drawn to the idea of making coaching accessible to all within companies, rather than only those who can be invested in at the level of a senior coach (umm, like myself). In principle I love it, so may well end up referring others to use it once I’ve fully explored it. Signs so far are good, though!

In closing:

  • Think about your own balance between Engagement and Fulfillment
  • Next, think about how you as a Leader support those you lead in these areas
  • What is the Purpose of your business and how does that truly impact where you focus and where you invest?
  • What is your own Purpose and are you fulfilled? I work on this with almost all my clients (where they are open). As you can imagine, a leader who is clear on their own purpose and who feels fulfilled is someone others will consciously and unconsciously be drawn to follow