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Only Connect, then watch the ripples you create

by | Feb 22, 2021 | Beautiful Leadership, Open Leadership

“The Old Guard” (Photo courtesy of Netflix © 2020 )

I’ve flowed on a theme in recent days, from “Don’t be bland if you want to be remembered” to “Weirdness is a Superpower” and now “Only Connect”.

Taken as a piece, these three posts are about both choosing to stand out, choosing to stand for something and then choosing to be abundant in giving to others.

I love to connect with people, then to connect them to others. In both cases I like those connections to be meaningful, so when I “click” with someone I like to build depth in that connection and relationship (and this also makes it so much more likely to make meaningful connections for others).

I love to connect, yet one person I connected and met with a little before the pandemic is a master connector and this is, simply, what he does. His name is Oli Barrett and he wrote a piece the other day on LinkedIn: “Making Life-Changing Introductions“, breaking down his 16 tips to making connections, then finishes with these powerful thoughts:

Next time you want to think really deeply and carefully about the future of your career or organisation, or the impact you’re having in the world, take an hour to draw a map. A people map. Begin to write down the names of the people you care most about in the world. Ask yourself how sure you are about who those people need to meet to achieve their dreams and goals in life. Then start to ponder who you know who could help them along their way. As you consider those names, instead of being drawn to who already knows each other, think about who doesn’t. Look for the gaps. One of those gaps could be a life-changing introduction and the best introductions change the lives of everyone involved. One day, the most enlightened organisations will have a CCO, a Chief Connections Officer. Until then, it’s down to each of us – only connect.

As you can see, Oli models “radical abundance”.

I replied to Oli’s tweet:

“Only connect”, Love it, from a master connector. I’d add one more. Acknowledge the connection. Not only right after meeting through an introduction, but months, years later to show that person and the works the value of dropping that pebble of connection in the ocean of life.

Oli responded:

Thank you for sharing Tom! Just this week I heard that one drinks invitation led to someone meeting a (now) close friend, which led to a doubles match which led to an engagement and a country move. #Ripples ps. Did you miss Tip 16? 🙂

(Tip 16 (from the article) : If someone has changed your life with an introduction, make sure you tell them about the impact they had. You may make their day, and you will almost certainly inspire them to want to do the same again, for you or for someone else.)

I replied that I had seen top 16, simply added my thoughts for emphasis, and love the idea of #ripples.

I think back to Ed Percival (the subject of “Weirdness is a Superpower”) and the many, many ripples he created.

I also watched “The Old Guard” over the weekend, an action movie around a group of immortal warriors. Over the centuries they lose their sense of purpose, feeling they aren’t making a difference. However, at one stage they are shown the positive ripples over time that their actions have created.

Only connect, then watch the ripples you create expand over time.

PS Oli has launched an online course, a series of audio lessons, called: “Build a Better Network“. Highly recommended.