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Be more Polar Bear, do more nothing

by | Jan 17, 2021 | Open Leadership

Mornin’ to you! How is your Sunday looking? Big plans? Here in London, as regular readers will know, we are locked down for, well, the next couple of months or so I’d figure, so I have no plans, nothing I have to do today.

Now, when it comes to my work with leaders, I often use the adage:

the less you do, the more valuable you are

What do I mean by this? Simply that the role of the leader is to lead, not to manage, certainly not to “do”, or as I also often say:

Leadership is about people, end of story

As leaders, leave ample space for engaging with and listening to their people, for communicating, ensuring alignment, paying attention. In short, more being, less doing.

With that, the joke above is a great anchor for leaders.

Be more Polar Bear, do more nothing.