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Hello, is there anybody out there?

by | Dec 17, 2020 | Open Leadership

hello - website statistics

I love this chart. It shows the growth in visitors to this site over the last two and more years. It is wonderful to see that, simply through writing every day and sharing thoughts, more and more people are visiting the site and reading the posts. I also cross-post to Medium and site visitor growth there has been even greater.

However, my post title, a music lyric quote from a track from a classic album (can you name it ?), is because I don’t feel as engaged with my audience from visitor numbers as I do when people make the point of subscribing to my email list, and, whilst visitors numbers have grown a lot, email subscribers have remained much more flat over the last year or so.

As we come to the end of a year, I’m looking both at what has gone on, then also looking ahead to what I can do to improve, and this is one area to consider.

I am guessing I am missing something. What can I do differently to encourage you to subscribe, as well as to encourage my tribe of existing email subscribers to spread the word.

At the moment, email subscribers simply receive a digest email each Tuesday and Friday of the latest daily posts.

I’m thinking to add some “goodies” that only go out to subscribers. Perhaps in-depth posts from subjects that readers submit for me to consider around their leadership questions? Perhaps a monthly email of curated things I’ve found that people can look at and choose to read, listen to, watch? Maybe a subscriber-only zoom every so often where we can all just hang out and meet in person (hey, then we’d know we are out there!)

Please do comment, email, contact me in any way, I’d love to get your thoughts. Thanks in advance!

Oh, and if you haven’t subscribed yet and would like to, I’d love you do visit this page.