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When and how will you take time to reflect on this year?

by | Dec 2, 2020 | Open Leadership


Yesterday was the 1st day of December and, as the morning news in the UK insisted on telling us, was “the first meteorological day of winter”. Heck, we haven’t even had a frost in London yet, though I can almost see Canadians laughing at the idea of winter starting in December! Anyway, two conversations yesterday, including this week’s WhatComesNextLive show (with Wanda Wyporska of The Equality Trust) included discussions around the need to reflect as we come to the end of a long and difficult year, let also know we have another different and difficult year ahead of us in 2021. So, my question for you today:

When and how will you take time to reflect on this year?

Will you push on with work right up until around Christmas Day, then try to switch off for a few days with (at least some of) family around you, only to start again a week or so later feeling still insufficiently recharged? Even in non-Covid years a high number of people try this, only to get sick right away. They are so run down from pushing too hard all year that their body responds by crashing.

More than ever, I recommend for us all, and particularly those with leadership responsibilities, to be a little selfish, take time for yourself. I’m also asking you, specifically, both when and how.

When: Don’t simply say “I’ll take a break over the holiday period”, be conscious, be aware. Choose times for yourself to take time out.

How: First, “decompress”. Yes, it could be overeating and drinking and sitting watching TV or playing games with family. However, it could also be: decluttering your home office, doing your end of year “life admin” paperwork, perhaps knitting or woodwork, or simply going for a long walk. Whatever you need, slow down, “decompress” before then taking time to reflect on the year and consider what you will focus on in 2021. As to how you then reflect, some will talk to others, some will journal, some will make notes in other ways.

Also, I recommend you focus on the positive things that have come out of this year where you can. Yes, the positives. There will be some. That way when you switch to looking at what you will focus on in 2021, it will have positive energy and momentum, all the things you will do, rather than (you can tell I am not a fan) a New Years Resolution list of all the things you will stop doing.

One last thought, an offer. I’d love to book a forty minute zoom with you to listen to your reflections, then here your thoughts on What’s Next. If you’d like to get a sense for how conversation with me may go, listen to the WhatComesNextLive shows. To book your own Zoom, in moments, simply click here.