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by | Nov 21, 2020 | Open Leadership

I was on a zoom board meeting in early July and one of the board members started whipping out cards instead of interrupting. I captured the moment because I thought it was awesome.

from Fred Wilson’s daily email recently

In the early days of email, we had no emoticons, but we did have text equivalents (hence the shortcuts on our keyboards for emoticons now). I was that “grown up” who used 🙂 (smileys) to add to my email communicate. Yes, even for business.

Email communication is a very partial form of communication (I often suggest using email only for information, but not for communication as so much can be lost. Clearly the fullest form of communication is face to face, as we can “read” people, including their non-verbal communications.

That can still work pretty well on video with 1:1 and also small groups, but once you get beyond 3 or 4 people (at most) communications can be lost (and hey, Zoom doesn’t have good emoticons.. yet).

So, loved the idea above, and in his blog Fred Wilson went on to suggest backing a Kickstarter that looks to address part of the communication gap with zoom with groups.

Working from a distance isn’t always ideal, and it’s easy to feel disconnected and unheard. With this deck of visual communication prompts you can easily hold a card up to your webcam during a remote meeting to communicate all kinds of things. Need to step away for a moment? Can’t hear who’s speaking? Want to send a ghost hug to a co-worker? Remote Meeting Cards have got you covered with a fun, disruption-free way of communicating in the moment.

REMOTELY – Remote Meeting Cards

I just backed this Kickstarter, so once my cards are being delivered, a) I’ll use them (a lot!), and b) I’ll likely post about my experience with them, including my favourites 🙂