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How fast do you walk?

by | Nov 10, 2020 | Open Leadership, Storytelling


Yesterday I shifted a planned client meeting from Zoom to a walk. I also anticipated we would walk longer than the appointed one hour, so cleared my diary. The weather cleared and we ended up walking well over two hours in glorious scenery and autumn weather.

Now, often when I start working with a client focussed on “What’s Next?”, they are looking at bold changes and they can quickly land on their new direction. When that happens, I may sense the value in coaching them to “slow down to speed up later“, to take time to get clear on their “WHY” (Vision)” and “WHAT” (Strategy) before leaping ahead to the “HOW”.

Prior to going on this particular walk, then, I was already aware that this particular client, at this particular stage, might benefit from slowing down for a while. So, as we came towards the end of our walk, we stopped at this view. After taking this photo, I had a sudden realisation and laughed! I then asked my client how fast we had been walking just before we stopped (slowly, thoughtfully, in conversation). I then asked how fast we had been walking for the first half of our walk (very fast, pounding up and down hills!).

Unconsciously, and simply by the act of meeting while walking, the client had slowed down, not only in their pace of walking but in taking time to really consider their WHY and WHAT before the HOW.

So, how fast do you walk when you take a journey? (literally and metaphorically).

Oh, and I highly recommend buying some hiking boots for this coming winter, then you will find it way easier to simply head out and wander:

“not all those who wander are lost”

JRR Tolkien