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No bad weather

by | Nov 1, 2020 | Open Leadership, Response-ability

Photo mounted behind the instructor at Revolutions Spinning in Cayman

I love this quote from the great Eddy Merckx, a copy of which is mounted behind and over the shoulder of the spinning instructor’s position at the Revolutions spinning studio in the Cayman Islands, where I went to spin class three times per week, every week, for many years (until moving to London).

It always reminded me that it mattered not how far, how long, how hard I rode, the key was simply to ride.

As we approach the winter, I am determined to be outdoor often, whether a short walk, a long hike, or a bike ride, which brings me onto another famous thought from cycling:

There's no bad weather, only bad clothing

So, for the coming winter, I have invested in more wet and cold weather gear, both for walking and cycling.

Yesterday morning I was out on the bike in some of that clothing, on Thursday I spend most of the day walking around central London in full waterproof clothes (the weather was, as we say in Scotland, “gash!”). Nearly a half marathon walked just going around town instead of using the Tube.

I encourage you to be outside as much as you can this Autumn and Winter, and, where you can, make sure you have such clothing as to remove the excuse 😉