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Justice is what love looks like in public

by | Oct 27, 2020 | Beautiful Leadership, Open Leadership

Justice is what love looks like in public.

Even in this highly polarised world we live in (particularly around politics), I seek to, as Stephen Covey would say: “listen to understand“. However, when something goes against my values, it breaches my boundaries and that means taking a stand.

My core value is FAIR, and today I am reminded of this line by Cornel West, quoted at the end of the wonderful video at the base of today’s post.

Justice is about fairness.

I am someone who looks to make a difference through supporting leaders and businesses. I’ve always avoided “taking sides” around politics, but the US election has me take a definite stance.

Do I respect and care for people who are Democrats? Yes. Republicans? Yes. Trump voters though? No.

I believe in fairness, justice, equality, choice. I believe in abundance, not scarcity, in trust, not control, in love, not fear. Trump stands for the opposite.

If you choose to vote for Trump, you are making a conscious choice that goes against my values in so many ways. Know then, that this crosses a line for me. If you choose to vote for Trump, you and I are done. That’s what my boundary is. Simple:

Justice is what love looks like in Public.

Choose Love, not Fear, Vote Biden/Harris.