Stop telling people about yourself. Be Yourself.

My Mentor Ed Percival often reminded me to #BeMoreYou, yet part of who I am is a frequent struggle to find a balance between telling and showing, between doing and being. Put another way, and ironic for someone who has been told he is a pretty good listener, sometimes I talk too much, I can sometimes tell people who I am too much instead of simply being me.
When I feel out of balance with this, I find visual references and anchors are powerful.
I love lots of different concise visualisations of thoughts, such as the work of Hugh Mcleod at Gaping Void and Carl Richards at Behaviour Gap. More recently I’ve also grown to love the work of Jack Butcher at Visualize Value.
So, I love this image (above) from Visualize Value as a reminder and anchor to “be” and to stop telling.
In closing this Sunday musing, I also was recently gifted a set of Truth Cards and decided to ask a question of the cards along the lines of “what do I need to focus on to find that balance and be more and tell less”. I cut the deck and this card came up.
Goosebumps moment.