I’m a little exhausted by uncertainty

Yesterday my weekly #WhatComesNext.Live show guest was Jerry Frentsos, an inspiring masters swimmer (20 world records and counting) whose mantra is his website LiveIntentionallyWell.com. Jerry had so many brilliant ideas, including the idea of getting to the pool for a training session, then, depending on how he feels, deciding whether to make it a “physical” or “mental” workout.
In listening to him it occurred to me that I am more physically tired than I rationally ought to be right now, given I am eating, resting and exercising well this summer.
I’m a little exhausted by uncertainty
Yesterday I wrote about the energy of this “back to school” period, then in talking to Jerry I realised that within this time we are in right now there is also something else we are all sitting with.
At the moment all of us (in the northern hemisphere in particular) are wondering what will happen with pandemic virus spread rates once the weather gets colder, meetings (social and work) then happen indoors rather than outdoors, added to which schools are going back, many are going back to the office at least part of the time. All of these things could cause the feared “second wave”.
I realise as I write this that I am actually a little exhausted now by this continuing uncertainty around the pandemic.
I do recognise my good fortune in that my life is pretty much back to normal, but we feel what we feel often despite logic and rationale, so I feel a bit “existentially exhausted” irrespective of the rationale.
A key takeaway from my conversation with Jerry Frentsos, then, was to be aware of what we are feeling, as well as what we are thinking based on the available information?