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Own your feelings so that you can act from a place of choice

by | Mar 23, 2020 | Beautiful Business, Beautiful Leadership, Open Leadership, Response-ability, Self-Knowledge

the power of choice
Viktor Frankl’s wisdom, from “Man’s Search for Meaning”

Over the last week and more, in response to our new global VUCA (Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, Ambiguous) environment, I have shifted my time to give to the community by supporting leaders through zoom meetings, listening to them “sound out” their thoughts and then looking to add value to their Crisis Leadership from my own experience, tools, methods.

One overarching theme has been the power of simply acknowledging where we are and how we feel.

Linked to this I share the Frankl quote above, one which has always meant so much to me at times of challenge.

Now, often we are taught that leaders must be tough, invulnerable, no chink in the armour. I don’t agree. It is always paramount to be authentic, but particularly now.

In this moment of global crisis, every single human on this planet is feeling some degree of fear, so we must first acknowledge that then lead our people forwards with commitment and confidence that, together, we will find our way through and that “this too shall pass”.

So, I share now that last week, in amidst my own solidity and confidence in supporting all those leaders, I felt to connect to a dear friend and mentee, Jeff Raker, who before a transition to being an amazing leadership coach, was at the absolute top level in his prior profession.

That profession? Jeff was a Pastor in his Church for decades. I am not a religious man, but I had the awareness to sense the value in asking Jeff to be there for some pastoral care, to simply be the sounding board for what I was feeling. Such was the power of Jeff’s presence that I talked and he listened for only a few minutes on that call about my feelings in that moment and I quickly felt lightened and clear. From that conversation and Jeff’s words to me, he then quickly refined a powerful piece of wisdom, which I share for you for today’s thought:

Own your feelings so that you can act from a place of choice

Viktor Frankl would very much agree, Pastor Jeff.