As I said in “Repetition, repetition repetition“:
“when you feel you are bored to death of repeating your message…….you are probably halfway there”.
I am therefore unapologetic at once again repeating my reference to putting Purpose first in the triple bottom line.
Linked to this, I therefore often highlight companies that are following this path. Today a simple reference to yet another such company who are showing that by doing the right thing, by putting purpose first, they can in fact make more profit, and not as it is their primary driver but as it is an outcome of doing the right thing.
In this case, the company is Greggs.
For those outside the UK, greatness has rapidly grown to become effectively a national institution, selling comfort food on the go from countless outlets around the country.
The tweet below references a very present UK issue of lack of provision under legislation to support the millions now on zero-hour contracts as the coronavirus issue continues to escalate.
For a company with so many employees in an industry where people are re typically on low hourly pay and relatively casual employment, the simple statement in the tweet below from the CEO of Greggs is powerful.
If more people understood how Greggs do the right thing for their employees, I feel sure even more people in the UK would choose Greggs over their competitors. In the long post I wrote yesterday, “Bravery: We had to do it“, I finished the post writing: “Imagine the power of purpose taken out into an impassioned and evangelising customer base.”
Imagine indeed.