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What if you made your Vision your Present?

by | Dec 13, 2019 | Beautiful Business, Beautiful Leadership, Energy, Open Leadership


Think for a moment about your Vision for yourself, your business or organisation.

For those with a focus on the UK, where the General Election just happened, perhaps you may be reflecting on your own Vision for country, economy, society.

Now, these all typically have in common that they are focussed on the future. What if, though, you considered that your Vision is in the present, is now, today and everyday?

I sat recently with a leadership team who felt that they didn’t have a vision. I’ve been working with this client for many years and, as I listened deeply to them, a thought occurred to me. They are already living it now.

One reason we consider Vision to be in the future is that we are so often driven by growth (financial, income, assets, market share etc).

What if, however, it is already here, now, today?

This particular client organisation, as I reflected on their leadership, is already living their vision.

Yes, they are always looking to stay fresh and relevant, always looking for new opportunities, to innovate, to learn, to grow, but they are already “there”. They are what they intend to be and they are living that day-to-day.

Yes, it is of huge value to look to a Vision focussed on the future. At the same time, where are you today, are you living it today? If not, can you be present to where you are now and consider if you can do both, be both?