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A Cautionary Tale for a Sunday

by | Nov 17, 2019 | Open Leadership, Storytelling

As the great Ed Percival always taught me: “never make a point without telling a story”.

Today, for your Sunday morning delectation and delight, simply sharing the latest from Tim Harford, a great story-teller in written form (who I first discovered through “The Undercover Economist“.

Tim has just launched a wonderful new podcast called “Cautionary Tales“, each one anchored around a particular true story from history, yet within a relatively short (around half an hour) podcast, full of stories and curiosity around how we humans behave and why.

To me, curiosity is an absolute pre-requisite for the leaders of today and tomorrow, so I encourage you on this Sunday morning to relax, sit back, and enjoy Tim’s latest story-telling, and absorb the points he makes therein.