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Is yours, could yours be a Beautiful Business?

by | Aug 18, 2018 | Open Leadership, Storytelling

Is yours a Beautiful Business? If not, could yours be a Beautiful Business?

If the question intrigues you read on, and if you connect to it at the end of this piece, let’s talk. Soon.

do design

Recently I was introduced to Alan Moore, founder of Beautiful.Business and writer of “Do/Design – Why Beauty is key to everything“. We had one of those wide-ranging conversations that sparked thoughts and ideas in many areas.

My over-riding takeaway from this first of, I hope, many meetings was:

Beauty brings Clarity

When we are in the presence of Beauty, of any kind, we simply know it, and that can bring such moments of clarity and take us out of our “monkey mind”, our need to “Do” rather than “Be”, to rationally process options and choices to a level where we often get lost in the content.

I talk often about how raising the context being key to coaching, key to leadership, key to decision making. Beauty and presence to beauty raises context in a unique way.

Beauty brings clarity

As I write this, my attention has just been brought to an exquisite list Alan Moore put together of 50 beautiful businesses. Please do read the list and enjoy, diving deeper into those businesses that inspire you. As Alan puts it to open the list:

These businesses inspire a different way of looking at the world. We celebrate people who explore beauty beyond the superficial and strive to deliver truth, meaning and authenticity through beautiful products, experiences and solutions: Things beautifully made with the latest technology or uniquely handcrafted, buildings that are beautiful in their conception and construction, food grown and cooked which is restorative and sensual, beautiful culture that will nourish one’s soul…all, Living Beautifully.

Could your business be number 51? 

Is it already deserving of a place on that list?

If, in truth, it is not, do you have a hunger to make the changes it will take to be a beautiful business?

If you have that desire, I’d LOVE to talk to you and support such a transformation in any way I can, whether that be a simple connection call or anything that may flow from that.