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Writing I Love – Enjoy the Present

by | Jun 2, 2018 | Open Leadership, Response-ability, Self-Knowledge, Storytelling

Having and stimulating your Growth mindset  is key for leaders, and so investing time to read widely as well as deeply is one way to give focus to this.  With that in mind, each Saturday I post “Writing I Love”. Sometimes a business book, sometimes a leadership quote, often something more esoteric, such as a poem, novel, song lyric. 


“True happiness is to enjoy the present, without anxious dependence upon the future, not to amuse ourselves with either hopes or fears but to rest satisfied with what we have, which is sufficient, for he that is so wants nothing. The greatest blessings of mankind are within us and within our reach. A wise man is content with his lot, whatever it may be, without wishing for what he has not.”  ~ Seneca

On this site you will find page after page of posts with the tag “Presence“.

Why? Because being Present is vital for leadership and also something we can find eludes us at times. For myself, the moments where I am absolutely at one, fully present, are powerful, though often presence at that high level is elusive.

I have also referenced the Roman Stoics a number of times in my writing and find their wisdom most powerful, Seneca most of all.

This quote, though, was shared with me this week by the brilliant Morgan Da Costa as a passage from a book he has recently read, The Happiness Equation.

happiness equation

I look forward to reading this, and for now share two elements.

One, I spot an Emotional Equation, again numerous posts on this site on that topic ! :

Want Nothing + Do Anything = Have Everything

Second, I love the idea of the confidence quadrant as a tool for self-awareness for leadership. Self-explanatory :

confidence quadrant