Thanks to Adam Grant for his NYT article, including the suggestion of Flow as an antidote to Languishing. Here some suggestions for finding flow in…
Effortless effort
Find that place of "effortless effort". My friend and teacher Kate Dunne chose the name "Flow" when she started creating her space and practice around therapeutic movement. I am fascinated by the concept of Flow (past post here). Today is Pelé's 80th Birthday, which...
Musings on Time
Today I share some musings about Time. "It was a bright cold day in April, and the clocks were striking thirteen"opening line from 1984, by George Orwell The bizarre times and national leadership we are seeing often makes me think of Orwell's 1984 of late, but that...
Masters practice incessantly, then improvise
This week I was at my favourite recurring learning experience, a "Facilitation Shindig" led by the amazing Julie Drybrough. This experience inspired today's post, about Mastery being about the ability to improvise and that ability coming from incessant practice....