People are my library, my writing inspired by what I learn: ideas, inspiration, wisdom, and sometimes some eclectic whimsy for good measure, all centred around #OpenLeadership. At the heart of all of this is that I write to share learnings and to discover my thoughts. Over the years i have written (mostly) daily, over 2000 posts and 1,000,000 words (that last part blows my mind, tbh!). Enjoy browsing.
Giving and receiving
Giving and receiving. No, this is not about "the season", it is way too early (in my mind) to think about that, maybe from December 1st I'll allow my mind to turn in that direction, but not yet 😉 Today, then, a simple thought, that by giving we receive. This week I...
Giving and receiving
Giving and receiving. No, this is not about “the season”, it is way too early (in my mind) to think about that, maybe from December 1st…
What is Love? The Absence of Fear
Thanks to Ed Dowding on Twitter for this prompt, his answer to the question “What is Love” being “the Absence of Fear”.
Who mentors the mentors?
If you are already mentoring others formally or informally, who mentors or coaches you? A good mentor will allow you to see the hope inside…
Do you know how to argue well?
Today I’m musing on the power of argument and what it takes to argue well. Despite differences, try to disagree agreeably and be open to…
Do you glance or do you catch a glimpse?
The opposite of a glance…is a glimpse: because in a glance, we see only for a second, and in a glimpse, the object shows itself…
How do we remember what we remember?
How do we remember what we remember? How do we know when to keep rummaging in the library of our consciousness for something that we…
What Enlivens You?
I know that talking to people also really enlivens me. I often begin by listening, and then seek to have a conversation that connects dots…
Air travel in the age of Covid and how we experience it
The chaos of understaffing post covid shutdowns in air travel, plus the last-minute cancellations.
If your staff are unproductive, that is a leadership problem
I work with Leaders who are laser-focused on their leadership and leading their people. The number one issue for them is attracting, developing, motivating and…
Leadership and how you show up
“Calm is Contagious.” This is a maxim of the Navy Seals and makes instinctive sense.
Do Mums perpetuate systemic sexism?
Mums, when you say your partner isn’t pulling their weight, perhaps ask yourself why you allow it? Also what role you may have in sustaining…
Treasure your health
Treasure your health, exercise and eat well. Not only will you enjoy feeling fit, but you give yourself a better chance of not getting sick.
Be Curious, Not Judgmental
Open leaders are both Brave and Hungry and also Open and Humble. Open and Humble leaders are also deeply curious.