This short series of interviews aspires to inspire women leaders of today and tomorrow as you seek to elevate your own leadership.
My name is Tom McCallum, here as a common thread linking our interviewer and four interviewees, as at one time or other I coached and supported each of them.
Please listen to all four interviews, where you will hear many more common threads emerge and interweave as through shared stories, ideas, passion, knowledge, wisdom, all drawn out by our empathetic and brilliant interviewer, Rosie von Lila.
My own experience in watching these interviews has been to be inspired once again by each of these women, as well as feeling humbly grateful to have a part in supporting these and other women in the world in #MakingPotentialPossible for themselves and others.
Sabrina Foster
“My Advice for women: Anything is possible if you really want it”
Sabrina Foster is Caymanian and founder of Fifty Eleven Consulting Limited, who most recently has been taking her decades of professional experience and expertise into launching her own business to serve clients in her own unique way.
Maeve Gillies
“Tom brought a practical way of looking at a decision-making process that cuts through”
Maeve Gillies is a truly creative entrepreneur, a Scot who lived in New York leading her own disruptive jewellery business for over fifteen years before transitioning to her hometown of Edinburgh a few years ago, a major shift for her in business and personally.
Alex Barker
“Push yourself a bit further towards the edge. It is about the person you become.”
Alex Barker from London, England is a Pirate, leading a rebellion, a mutiny, a movement of people challenging the status quo in how they work, they lead, and in business. Rewriter of Rules. Author of How to Be More Pirate.
Vanessa Bennett
“I’m a very big believer in asking for help. Mentors and coaches will get you there a lot more quickly than you would on your own”
Vanessa Bennett, based in Sydney, Australia, is the founder of Next Evolution Performance, all about Human Performance Coaching. An inspiring lifelong learner, she is constantly adding new levels to her understanding of performance and bringing that to clients globally.