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Join me at my favourite event!

by | Sep 20, 2023 | Open Leadership

First, a massive thanks to my amazing friend Marla Dukharan. In 2017 Marla was making her way to Kilkenny, Ireland in November for a festival at the invitation of David McWilliams. She and I talked economics often and she knew I had moved to London a few months before, so she asked me if I would “come lime”. I am so glad I did!

Kilkenomics is my favourite annual event, full of amazing people and ideas, with a great atmosphere. The first time I went, I saw the headline “World’s first economics and comedy festival”, I wondered “Where are the comedy acts?” only to realise that the genius is that they have comedians as the panel moderators for the discussions, keeping the atmosphere going and stopping the panellists from getting just too nerdy.

Due to that pesky pandemic, and then a family funeral last year, this year will be my first trip since 2019. As you can imagine, am really ready!

I’ll be there from late afternoon Friday 3rd November through Sunday 5th November. Come lime! The craic will be mighty!

Oh, and tickets go on sale later this week, plus hotel rooms are already hard to come by, so go for it! What could be a better way of spending the first weekend in November than listening to brilliant people whilst holding a pint of dark nectar?