Today at the Craigberoch Decelerator Lab the focus is on creativity.
Before the day started I remembered that I have been “slow listening” to the audiobook of The Creative Act by Rick Rubin.
I opened Audible and pressed play. The first words from the sonorous voice of Rick were:
Holding every rule as breakable
We then moved to a beautiful and airy space to do an art workshop. There were materials all around for painting and drawing, yet something in me knew I would break the rules that can define art as something painted, drawn, sculpted, made. Instead I would use words for my art.
After a wonderful Creative Visioning exercise, and as others took thirty minutes to draw, to paint, to crayon, I took up a notebook and, intensely inspired, wrote “in flow” three separate and related passages on time and how we can choose to relate to it.
Let us hold every rule to be breakable, it can amaze, delight and inspire when we see what that can make possible.