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On time is late

by | Aug 27, 2023 | Open Leadership


Recently I was asked by a friend to do a favour, to allow someone to book a video call with me to practice their pitch for a project, to have me play the part of CEO of a potential customer.

Well, dear reader, they were late. No, they didn’t show up at all.

As my sons were taught by their swimming coaches, “Fifteen minutes early is on time, on time is late”. I wrote a long post on the why, what and how of this back in 2020 called, simply, “Show up on time“. If you are someone who sometimes struggles with being on time, do read that longer post. Meanwhile, how about practicing being fifteen minutes early?

No, don’t walk into the meeting fifteen minutes early, but be there fifteen minutes early.

Imagine, what could you do if you were fifteen minutes early?

If you’ve travelled somewhere for the meeting, you could walk around the area while settling and centring your mind to prepare for your meeting, pick up a coffee, sit down somewhere and watch the world go by as you gather your thoughts. For me, if I am in a different city, I like to wander around the area a little.

If it is a remote call, you can review your background research on the individual and business you are going to be talking to. Yes, you can also make yourself a cup of coffee and relax for a few minutes.

Consider the impression you make when you are early and arrive right on time.

Now compare that to when you are rushing and frantic, arriving a few minutes late and full of apologies.

PS I gave that person another chance to have that video call. I noticed from Zoom that they even logged in about an hour early to (I assume) test the tech. Nicely done. Suffice to say when the call time came they arrived right on time.